Steve Pugh

Steve Pugh on the roadmap to building a better life

The world of management consulting is not one you normally associate with delivering social impact and helping people take control of their lives. But then again, you probably haven’t met Steve Pugh, founder of Roadmap MBA. In his own words, Steve shares how he is delivering on his mission to make business education free and accessible to billions of people around the world.

Edited by Richard Dawson Photographs by Christopher Owens

What does a brief history of you look like?

I was born and raised in Liverpool by a single mother who raised two boys. I learned what hard work looks like from my mum, and since then I have been fortunate enough to have travelled the world and build a career.

I am driven by a determination to overcome adversity and have devoted myself to helping others remove barriers and build their own lives through free access to business education.

Tell me about Roadmap MBA. What is your mission?

At Roadmap MBA, our mission is to make business education free and accessible for 5 billion people around the world because we believe that it shouldn’t matter where you come from or what your financial background is when you’re trying to build a better life for yourself.

Since launching in 2021, we’re now in 34 countries and I believe what has made us successful is the discovery that people from all backgrounds have the desire to learn and improve.

We want to remove the barriers whether they be financial, academic, or otherwise that currently prevent 99% of the world’s population from accessing business education.

What do you love most about what you do every day?

What I love most is knowing that I’ve helped someone overcome a problem or given them the confidence that they’ll be able to pay their bills next month.

The business is called Roadmap because people just want to be able to see a clear path for what to do to take that next step in life.

Our business is providing real-world practical education in a way which inspires people instead of overwhelming them, challenging the status quo that a university degree is the solution to all of their problems or burdening them with thousands in student debt.

Have you had to make sacrifice in your career, and have they been worth it?

Yes and yes. Since launching the business, I have paid myself the minimum amount to retain as much cash in the business so we can send our free Roadmap MBA packs all over the world.

When competing against major multi-national corporations with big budgets, I know I am up against it, but it is through this adversity that I’m forced to think of new ways of working, which is what makes the programme so innovative. 

Running this business gives me more fulfilment than any other job I’ve had.

We believe that it shouldn’t matter where you come from or what your financial background is when you’re trying to build a better life for yourself.
— Steve Pugh

What does a day in the life of Steve Pugh look like?

 I wake up between 6 and 6:30am and get to the office for around 7:30am every day. I help run four other businesses as a consultant to pay for all the investment required with Roadmap.

Due to this, I am quite regimented with my time in order to fit everything in, not forgetting the two podcasts and multiple livestreams and classroom sessions (over Zoom), which provide the regular structure to my week.

Most days finish around 6pm. However, some days I do evening classroom sessions (for the USA audience) finishing around 9pm and then I will do a few hours on weekends too.

What does work-life balance look like for you?

Everyone’s definition of work-life balance is different.

Some people want to work 37.5 hours a week and have clear evenings and weekends for family time. I felt the same way until I found my calling, and now I am working towards a goal, which is much bigger than me and genuinely making an impact in the world.

I’m no longer working just for me but for all of the people like me that can now have support for their businesses and careers in a way I never did, hopefully leaving a legacy for future generations.  

How do you stay focused and productive in a world of distractions?

 I am quite militant with my time and who I interact with on a personal level.

 I am trying to disrupt a global business education system and deliver something that could benefit every working age person in the world, so I need to be laser focussed if I want to fit everything into my day.

 I also keep my phone on silent 99% of the time and learn to close my emails when I’m looking to get into a flow state and focus on a piece of work.

If you had the power to change the world, what would you change?

I’d remove all litter and pollution and ensure there was equal opportunity for everyone so that people can be judged on talent, not privilege or background.

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Steve Pugh


Suzie Martin


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